The loss of smell and taste reported as early symptoms of COVID-19
The younger generation didn't seem to care too much about getting the virus, becuse they in general didn't get as sick as the older generation.
So to help them take the whole situation a bit more seriouos, a diffrent approach was needed!
But losing the ability to taste suddenly seemed far more frightening for the "invincible" young people.
Quarantine Candles
The quarantine time feels like forever.
Make the quarantine waiting time a bit more clear and easier to relate to.
Take part in helping everyone out, staying at home while in quarantine.
A friendly reminder
The goverment finally decided to open up the country, safe and slowly.
But only if everyone keeps the pyscial distance (handwash and so on...)
It's summer, the sun is shining and people can't wait to go out and be around other people again, outside (at a safe distance, hopefully!). So people might forget about the importance of the physical distance.
A friendly reminder about the physical distance, printet on a picnic carpet. Promoted and sold by Flying Tiger (at least I wish they did!)
...what day is it?
After a mounth in this weird Corona situation, you can easily get a bit confused of what day is it...
A website that simply tells you what day it is (more of a gimmick obviously)
But at the same time works as a platform that each day shares fun and usefull things to do at home - encourage people to stay home.
Do you know what day it is?
Example 1
Example 2
Try for yourself
Wash your hands
Everyone knows it, but do they do it?
Utilizing the "ask a question feature" on Instagram Stories, where you can pick an emojie and add to the slider, together with a question. I found a whole new way of using that feature, by turning it 90 degress and adding NO text. I got myself an animation on IG Story, that people can interact with using their finger.
When you press and hold the finger on the water drop emojie, you can slide it from bottom and up. When you then lift the finger from the screen, the water drop flies upwards towards the hands - giving you the illusion that you swept the water drop.
A simple and playful way to remind people to wash their hands / hand sanitizer.
tl;dr: Use "ask a question slider" on Instagram in a new way. Giving you the feeling that you can interact with the water drop emoji. "Launching" the water drop towards the hands in the top of the screen.
What it looked like on Instagram story:
Too close!
Not everyone keeps the safe distance when outside near other people.
A simple and fun way to remind people to keep the safe distance, advised by the govement. Works best on Instagram, where you actually have to put your face very close to the phone to read what it says.
Even Jared Leto liked the idea so much, that he made masks with the same text
(almost a month after I posted it)
Check it out here
The bridge - stay away!
Even though the goverment and every news media kept telling people to take the situation serious and stay home, some people just didn't listen. And gathered in bigger groups outside anyway - especially at Dronning Louises Bridge.
So when people won't listen to the coverment and still are gathering outside in the sun at Droning Lousise bridge, what to you do then? You sneak out in the morning and put up "wet paint" signs (ny malet) on every bench, on the very popular bridge.
But that would be illegal, so you do the next best thing - and make it seem real in photoshop, then share it on SoMe to highlight the problem.
Judging from the comments on SoMe, everyone actually thought it was real.
Chill and stay home!
Everyone obviously had a hard time adapting to the new situation, especially when told to stay home.
Spreading the message in a more fun and engaging way, inspired by "Netflix and chill" - a bit easier for most people to relate to.