Sexual harrasment on the job among the younger generation is still a big problem - espicially against women. But it is not always easy to spot because even smaller and "innocent" comments can be very hurtful.
To show both sides of real and "innocent" comments/episodes through three different scenarios. This campaign aims for two target groups, the main target grou, the ones that feel harassed and powerless in these three situations. The secondary target group is the ones who think its just a joke, forcing them to rethink what they said or the way they said it - hopefully!
To keep it authentic and realatbale, the three main executins ran on Instagram where the target group spends the most time.
Furthermore we made a collaboration with diffrent influencers within the target group, to start a conversations about how to behave in work situations.
With a clear CTA to a campaignsite containing the necessary help, guidance and knowledge on what to do if you ever find yourself in a situatiuon like these or observe anything that makes you feel uncomfortable at work.
Photographer Emil Monty Freddie
Photographer Emil Monty Freddie
Photographer Emil Monty Freddie